Fotockholm Photography

Fotockholm Photography
Wedding Photography Sweden , Bröllopsfotografering i Sverige

onsdag 13 juli 2011

Elena & Rickard - Bröllopsfotografering i Södertälje , Taxinge , Järna

I dont know how shall i start writing about this wedding :) I think it was one of the best wedding ever that i have enjoyed while i was shooting all the memories ! Elena & Rickard you were wonderful and so lovely!
I started taking pictures of preparation of Elena and her beautiful terns and some details of Elenas wedding dressing , then continued with cerenomy in Taxinge church ,portret session and wedding party at Bommersvik . There were many guests and they were so lovley people from all around Europa ! I could say that it was a Swedish & Italy wedding and people were from Italy , Norway , Spain , England , Finland..... and Sweden ofcourse :) well and me as a photographer was from Istanbul / Turkey :)
Its unbelievable great feeling that i feel sometimes when i am shooting weddings and there i see all peoples happiness which does not matter where people come from !! HAPPINESS IS FOR ALL OF US / Make LOVE , NOT war !!!!
It was hot and long day which could not stop my power and i did try all my best to capture all details . I really enjoyed also while the party time even it was a bit hard to take pictures because of small dance floor but it went ok ! You should see how great it was and enjoyable moments !
Thank you so much Elena & Rickard , it was really great to take pictures of your wedding day ! Elena & Rickard , wishing you all my best for the rest of your life !
Thank you so much Lina Hansson for your  patience :)
For more pictures click here

Jag hade en heldagsfotografering i Taxinge kryka . Vi fick många vackra bilder i de underbara omgivningarna kring Taxinge. Festen fortsatte vid Bommersviks gård som ligger mellan Järna och Nykvarn vilket är en jättevacker plats . En jättehärlig dag med ett gulligt par och alla deras gäster.

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